There are few people who have seen more boating mishaps than Aaron Stasiak, owner of The Qualified Captain. Their Instagram page started as a place to highlight on-the-water incidents that could have been avoided. While Aaron and his team are known for sharing videos of what not to do on the water, as lifelong boaters and anglers themselves, they take great pride in highlighting the lessons learned from each video they share on their platform along the way. In honor of National Safe Boating Week, May 20-26, we caught up with Aaron to get a few tips and tricks of how to make the most of your time on the water.
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Shane Horton and his family were 45 miles from the nearest town in rural Alaska when their airboat collided with a log, sending them crashing into the shore. He shared with Garmin how they saved their daughter, who sustained serious injuries in the crash, that day.
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